Sunday, June 24, 2012


These past couple of months have been tough ones, having
to say more than one 'good-bye, see you in the kingdom'. Besides losing long time friends, I had to say good-bye for now to my animal friends, Chaps and Chapelle, and our dog Bo (left). At present our 15 year old Husky Retriever Shadow (right) yet enjoys life despite obstacles to overcome. Much sadness has me again down on my knees, only to be able to say 'Lord Jesus' help me.

I have been listening to several testimonies of those who had near death experiences or heavenly experiences that have related eye witness accounts of, 'on earth as it is in heaven' to include the animal kingdom existing in heaven. As for me - I KNOW ANIMALS ARE THERE. Forty years ago my first dog, an Old English sheepdog, responded dramatically to God's call home. God had first asked me to release him, and upon my agreement literally called him. The vet, myself and spouse witnessed the calling and knew something supernatural occurred but we were stunned beyond words at that time.

Life is a constant stream of birth and what we call death. But as I think more and more about LIFE & DEATH, I note the passages that express what 'we call death' as SLEEP. I don't think we have a real grasp on the reality of 'death', over which Jesus was / is victorious and now holds the keys [Revelation 1:18] - versus 'sleep'. I believe DEATH is much more than we know. Of those who 'sleep', [Daniel 12:2; Matthew 25:46] relate that some will awake to everlasting life while others will experience the reality of death: shame, contempt, punishment, fire - - hell.

In my next post I will be looking at Scripture - at what God calls death - as opposed to what we perceive as death. Until then:


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