Monday, May 7, 2012

GREAT GRACE + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Seen thru Hebrew

The picture of GRACE is more eloquent than the word itself can convey.
GRACE is God, the King of kings, giving Himself,
His body and life blood,
that man can fellowship with Him.


...........................................................l ........................d .................. g
................................................HEART/STAFF ............ DOOR.............CAMEL

...................................................TEACHER ............ WAY of truth ... ANGEL [LAW]
..............................................................................................................of DEATH


a ................... x

KINGDOM HEIR ............ LIFE

our KING offering HIS fellowship, even to the laying down of HIS LIFE, that we may live.

For man, the witness of GRACE should be evident.
Our life should be a witness of having a heartbeat for Christ our King,
our thought, word and actions inseparable.

a ................... x

CHRIST / KING ............ HEARTBEAT for

GRASPING the GRACE message is essential to the Christian life. It's one thing to 'know' of GRACE, another to have a heart revelation of GRACE. A heart revelation of grace overwhelms the heart and soul with the unfathomable love of God - - a love that brings the desire to lay down any sin that so easily besets us. If we, as Christians, are still living in sin - unbelief, unforgiveness, bitterness, jealousy / coveting (immorality, divorce, unscriptural remarriage [see post 37 thru 41 on 7-11 thru 7-16 / synopsis post 41 on 7-16-11 ), rejection, addictions, fear, etc. - then we still need to grasp the 'heart revelation of His grace'. This revelation causes us to abhor our sin and seek and desire HIM whole-heartedly. Whole-heartedness brings us into not simply 'talking' but 'walking'. It is something that only GRACE - His love for us, our love for Him, can accomplish.

For many, we were taught the GRACE message in tandem with 'keeping the law'. In other words, we make a confession of salvation, and now its 'up to us' to 'maintain' the salvation we have confessed. Let me just say in short here, that the law is not 'done away with', but by taking GRACE to HEART, the LAW is 'written on the heart'. It then is not 'what' we do it is 'who we are in Christ'. We are no longer the ones 'keeping the law'. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ is 'keeping us'. Also let me mention again that NOWHERE does Scripture relate the 'law as bondage'. Scripture relates that bondage is to Hagar [flight], Egypt [siege / distress], sin and death, and the elements of this world. [See posts regarding LAW: 20-22 on 6-20 & 6-23]

Many of us have understood GRACE as forgiveness and also the removal of the death penalty, the requirement of the law for sin. It is that. But if that is all we grasp, we have missed Christ Himself. It then becomes about 'us' rather than about 'HIM'.

If we find ourselves saying, 'God knows I can't help this sin, life wouldn't be life without this sin, I was forgiven - therefore I get a do over, God's forgiveness will cover this, etc', then we yet need a heart revelation of GRACE. When we receive a true 'heart revelation' of GRACE, besides experiencing an overwhelming sense of God's love, we now abhor any sin in our life that comes between 'me and Him', because we despair of hurting HIM, after He has shown us such a great love.

GRACE is first His love for us, but the working out of our salvation with fear and trembling is a witness of our love for HIM. It is not a 'do this, do that' - -it is I would never want to abuse or sadden HIM and sin definitely does do that.


.......................................l ............................d ............................. g
....................................HEART ..... DOOR / LIFE & DEATH...CAMEL/ WEANED child

LEARN ............. TONGUE..............CROSS OVER / WEAN


..................................................a ................................................... x
........................................SEED/SPERM ...................................... CHUPPA


TWA: Thoughts, Words, Actions

The experience of GRACE is that His love for us, OUR LOVE for Him CHANGES us. Our desire is for HIM, to be weaned to His Word in all our thoughts, words and ACTIONS - the visible manifestation of our love for Christ our King.

Do we love Him as a disobedient child loves a parent? Or do we love Him as a bride who desires her virginity and her love to be for her husband? Does a bride love the ring (grace) more than the man who gave it? Our husband, Jesus Christ, will always be true to us. Do we desire to be true to him? Then we MUST desire the revelation of GRACE, elsewise our sin / sins are 'cheating on Him'. We can only remain true - -IF we love Him. No man can keep himself righteous once obtaining GRACE, whether by works or by the law. It's only by LOVE.


PS: one other thought in regard to those 'praying' for healing. Without a true heart revelation of GRACE, it is often difficult to receive, let alone 'keep' a healing, When Jesus healed he often said, 'Go and sin no more'. This is only possible through GRACE. Our thoughts, words and actions will tell on us. Knowing His love - His GRACE - is KEY.

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