Friday, April 6, 2012

Tis the SEASON! Chag Sameach!

For the Jew, and the believer
in Jesus Christ, we have
begun the new biblical year.
God's calendar has seven
feast days - HIS holy days
to the Lord. Tonight begins
the first feast of the
'spring feasts - Pesach /
Passover Friday 6 April
thru Saturday 14 April which
takes in the next two celebrated feasts - the Feast of Unleavened bread and Firstfruits. Jesus Christ fulfilled these feasts, as the Passover Lamb, with His death on the cross, and resurrection from the dead. On God's calendar these feasts are perpetual.

After Passover the counting of the omer begins - counting 50 days - until His last spring feast of Shavuot / Pentecost commemorating the giving of the Law / the giving of the Holy Spirit. The last three feasts of Rosh ha Shanah (Trumpets), Yom Kippur (Atonement), and Sukkot (Tabernacles) are fall feasts.

I had a pastor once who announced to his congregation. 'Jesus Christ is the Passover Lamb, not the Easter ham'.

For information on Easter see post 9 on 6-9-11

Baruch haShem Yeshua haMashiach
Bless the Name of Jesus Christ

Chag Sameach [joyous feast]

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