Friday, June 28, 2013


 On Tuesday the 25th of June, 2013 / 17 Tammuz on the Biblical calendar,  we again entered the period known as the DIRE STRAITS.  This is historically a 3 week period which this year ends 16 July 2013 / always the 9th of AV on the Biblical Calendar. 

James 1:15
Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin
and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.

There is a law of 'sowing and reaping'.  God will bring attention to our rebellion that we can come to repentance.  The first commandment:  Love God with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength.  The second is like it - -LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.  Difficult when they are spitting in your face, but possible in Messiah Jesus Christ, manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up in glory.

Events of 17 Tammuz / 9 AV

17th of TAMMUZ
  1  Noah sends out dove to see if flood waters are receded
  2  Moses breaks tablets at Mount Sinai - in response to the sin of the golden calf.
  3  King Manasseh erects an idol in the Sanctuary of the Holy Temple -
      a brazen act of blasphemy and desecration.
  4  Daily sacrifices (1st temple) stopped due to shortage of sheep (Taanit 28b) during
      the siege and the next year 586 / 587 BCE (3174), the walls of Jerusalem were      
      breached after many months of siege by Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian forces.
  5  Jerusalem's walls breached prior to the destruction of the 2nd Temple  70 CE (3830) .
  6  Prior to the Great Revolt, the Roman general Apostamos burned a Torah scroll     
      setting a precedent for burning of Jewish books throughout the centuries.
  7  In 1391 (5151), more than 4,000 Jews were killed in Toledo and Jaen, Spain  
  8  in 1559 (5319), the Jewish Quarter of Prague was burned and looted.
  9  The Kovno ghetto was liquidated on this day in 1944 (5704)
10  In 1970 (5730) Libya ordered the confiscation of Jewish property.

9th of AV
  1 The evil report of the spies sent to the promised land believed by Israel.  They
     mourned all night in fear and turned against Moses and the two faithful spies,
     Joshua and Caleb (the only two from Egypt that entered the promised land).     
     Ta'anit 29a says it happened on the 9th of Av - Numbers 14:1-10 just records
     the curse from the Lord and the revolt against Moses and not the date. This
     event started their 40 year wandering in the desert.
  2  Destruction of the 1st temple, 29 July 587 BC (9 Av 3174)
  3  Destruction of the 2nd temple, 4 Aug 70 AD (9 Av 3830)
  4  The Roman army plowed Jerusalem with salt in 25 July 71 AD   (9 Av 3831)
  5  The destruction of Simeon Bar Cochba's army in 5 Aug 135 AD (9 Av 3895)  
  6  First Crusade declared by Pope Urban II. 10,000 Jews killed in first month of
      Crusade. Crusades bring death and destruction to thousands of Jews, totally
      obliterate many communities in Rhineland and France. 14 July 1095 (9 Av 4855)  
  7  The Martyrs of York - 500 Jews died as a result of the rich storming a castle in
      York England, killing them all on 14 July 1190. (9 Av 4950)  
  8  England expelled all of the Jews in 18 July 1290 AD (9 Av 5050)
  9  Spain expelled all of the Jews in 2 August 1492 AD  (9 Av 5252)
10  World War I is declared  1 August 1914 (9 Av 5674)
11  Russia mobilized for World War I and launched persecutions against the Jews           
      in Eastern Russia on this day too. 1 August 1914 (9 Av 5674)
12  10 July 1942, Germans began a systematic liquidation of the Ghetto, deporting
      Jews to extermination camps at the rate of six to ten thousand per day, starting on
      9 Av.  By autumn only 40,000 Jews left in Warsaw. By early 1943, Jews refused to
      cooperate with Germans and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising began. Renewed
      attempts to start deportations were answered with reprisals. (9 Av 5702)
13  Israeli withdrawal from Gaza 14 August 2005  (9Av 5765)

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