Thursday, July 19, 2012

LIFE and DEATH 3 of 5

As I write this I have been in an experiential - literal 'life / death' struggle for the past few weeks, in regard to my spouse and with my dog Shadow. Interesting this is the time period of the 'Dire Straits' [See post 7-1-11]. It was this same time last year we experienced a similar attack. Voices have echoed from all corners, from 'well-meaning' Christians and non-Christians alike, to be honest, overwhelmingly in favor of death, rather than salvation. The same voices that shouted 'Crucify Him'. What the world deems as 'right and proper', 'it's better for them - it's better for you' challenges God's Word that tells us to 'choose LIFE'. I have had to make a decision and not 'waver' from it. Therefore I continue to declare God's Word over my spouse and when God's Word was declared over Shadow she visibly responded and continues to respond. In the face of death Jesus spoke only LIFE. In the face of death I choose to speak only LIFE. HE holds the keys to death and hell [Revelation 1:18], and when He should decide to call them home - - AMEN.

[GREEN: God ... YELLOW: Man ... ORANGE: sin / death / evi... BLUE: Hebrew/Greek]

From E. W. Kenyon - the Power of Your Words, chapter 9:

Our faith or unbelief is determined by our confession. Few of us realize the effect of our spoken word on our own heart or on our adversary. He hears us make our confession of failure, of sickness, or lack, and apparently he doesn't forget; and we unconsciously go down to the level of our confession. No one ever rises above it. If you confess sickness, it develops sickness in your system. If you confess doubts, the doubts becomes stronger. If you confess lack of finances, it stops the money from coming in. You say, 'I can't understand this'. No. Because most of us live in the sense realm and spiritual things are very indistinct.

Hebrews 4:14 must become a constant reality, 'Having then a great High Priest, who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession'. Our confession is that the Word can not be broken; that what the Father says is true. When we doubt the Father, we are doubting His Word. When we doubt His Word, it is because we believe something else that is contrary to the Word. Our confidence may be in the arm of the flesh; it may be in medicine; it may be in institutions; but whatever our confidence is in, if it contradicts the Word, it destroys our faith life. It destroys our prayers. It brings us again into bondage.

Every person who walks by faith will have testings. They do not come from the Father, they come from the adversary. He is refusing to allow you to escape him. You become dangerous to the adversary when you become strong enough to resist him - when you have learned to trust in the ability of the Father to meet your every need. When that becomes a reality in your consciousness, the adversary is defeated.

But as long as he can confuse the issue, and keep you in a state of flux, you are at a disadvantage. May your confidence in the Word be strengthened to make you know, 'that no Word from God is void of power' or can go by default. There isn't power in all the universe to void one statement of fact in this Word. He said, 'I watch over my Word to perform it'. And again, 'Whoever believeth on Him shall not be put to shame.' Your confidence is in that unbroken, living Word, and you hold fast to your confession in the face of every assault of the enemy.

Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue

Our God is an awesome God - HE REIGNS!


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