Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The WORD, the WORD, the WORD

This has been a tough month. I have been facing a lot of challenges lately - literally - LIFE and DEATH. After seeking prayer over a year ago, in order to deal with my spouse's tense health situation, a decision was made to cancel the television service. It was critical to clear the air of anything negative or raucous. We also found that the medical condition particularly exacerbated what came thru the 'eye gate'. We went for several months simply listening to CD's that were uplifting - mostly praise. These last few months a careful selection for DVD's was considered. We have a selection of scenic / praise / Scripture discs as well as some comedy (Snow Dogs, Daddy Day Camp) and popular Christian movies, in particular 'Facing the Giants'. I admit - I am not a football fan, but I can watch this video over and over because of its identifying factors and uplifting message. And its message finally hit home with me the other day.

The football field is much like our life, always being tackled by the 'giants'. The team was worn out, tired, but had made a decision to play for the glory of God. There is a part in the movie, the team was in the last quarter of a tough game, and the coach makes a statement, 'You will remember this day forever, you will remember that you didn't quit, you didn't give up, you didn't lose heart'. They had made a choice to 'give it all they had to give', leave it on the field, and win or lose - they would praise God. That is when I saw it.

We so often get focused, transfixed, on the outcome that we miss the critical factor - THE WORD. Our battle is not for the outcome, our battle is 'can we be knocked off the Word'. The outcome can make it look like we lost - the person died, the divorce came - -but that is not always true. I saw the battle was to simply stand on the Word and get my eyes off of the outcome.

For example: A friend - John Doe - and this I know from being there - the family stood on the Word - John stood on the Word - but John also had visions of Jesus and John had the ability to choose to stay or to go. It wasn't about staying or going - but about 'standing on the Word'. Some thought they lost the battle - -

In a similar situation, another man died', his death was premature. He 'knew the Word', it was his life. But to be honest, he was unable to receive the Word for himself. He did go to be with the Lord, but he got knocked off of his game so to speak - - leaving by default.

I have a friend - divorced - but against all odds one who stood on the Word and has an active healing ministry today. After 30 years of marriage her husband filed divorce and married another within 30 days. But SHE stood on the Word. It looked like she lost everything in the divorce as the judge ruled against her - but she stood on her intimate walk with the Lord. What the judge decreed on the possessions did not come to pass - as the Lord, in two years time, had her husband hand over the deed to the home (which it was said she could not afford to keep) and what the Lord had said she was to receive. She still lives there 15 years later. Only God. The Word is living and active - and does not return void. She is strong in the Word. NEVER willing to compromise the Word, and the enemy knows her by name and who she is.

So now, after almost 40 years of marriage, I have been praying daily that I not be an 'enabler' of an infirmed situaiton. It's one thing to 'help and assist', another thing to 'enable' an illness when God has audibly spoken, 'You are healed'. My problem began by 'going by sight - not by the Word'. Now my battle is not focused on the 'illness', nor of its outcome, but it is focused on 'standing on the Word' that will not return void, when one stands on it in truth. The same for my spouse - without the Word death is sure, but each one has to choose. Being the caregiver, I choose not to go by sight, but by faith, in the living Word and in the prophesied Word. But now I am able to to take my eyes off of the outcome, it having nothing to do with me, unless, of course, I should fail to stand on the Word, then I would share the burden.

The whole battle - I now see - -is the devil seeing who he can trick to 'not stand on the Word'. And that was the first and same trick - that began in the garden.

So I encourage - I exhort - but I have a lot of peace now - because I see the battle clearly. What we speak - is truly - death or life. I choose life - I choose the Word.


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