Saturday, January 21, 2012

the LIGHT-the SUN - - the S0N-the LIGHT

I love flowers - and I love cyclamen. I like their targeted blooms that give a graceful appearance, a lot like butterflies. I love their bright colors. We bought some several years ago and we winter them on the windowsill and then place them on the porch in the summer. When we lived outside - the lower 48 - it was in warmer climes and flowers thrived even in the winter. By February the crocus were in full bloom and the fields were pregnant with yellow wild daisies.

But now I was looking at them with their tender stems, more than twice the height of 'normal' as they reach up and around the sun catcher's, taking advantage of the light wondering that they really have plenty of light -- then why then do they continue to reach higher and higher. When winter comes - they reach for the sky. But in spring / summer when the sun comes with its heat, its as if they stand, then kneel at its presence.

Sid Roth just sent out an interview with Guerillmo Maldonado. His thoughts cut to my heart as I heard his words. He emphasizes the 'preaching and demonstration of the cross'. Without that, ..........................................................Christian or not, 'a man's
..........................................................religion',. his relationship ......................................................... with God, becomes 'dead ..........................................................theology'........Knowledge...................................................................................................................[1 Corinthians 2] without ..........................................................the.... demonstration... of ......................................................... power of . the cross . is a .......................................................... 'philosophy of theology'.

Hebrews ........13:............8

Jesus Christ
is the same

Unless our faith is in Christ and His cross, and in demonstration of this gospel,
our faith is impotent.

We have plenty of LIGHT


REISH ........... VAV ............... ALEF
r....................w ........................)

MIND.............. LIGHT.......... INSTRUCTION

we need to reach for the SON.


NUN SOFFIT ............. BEYT


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