Thursday, July 4, 2013


Green: God/Jesus    Yellow:  People/  Scripture   Orange:  Unbelief / sin / death / warning     
Blue:  Hebrew thought         Red:  Earth / Crisis        Blue:  Heaven / Israel

1Peter 4:17-18
 For the time has come for JUDGMENT
to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, 
what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? 
 Now  “If the righteous one is scarcely saved,
Where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?”

JUDGMENT is actually 'a decision for RELATIONSHIP' - it is a decision 'for or against'.  In the Greek JUDGMENT is 'krisis', its English counterpart 'crisis'.  Crisis, manifests as a 'moment of truth', that ends in 'life or death'.  This word extends itself as 'kriterion' (law or standard), and 'krino':  to rule or govern, to make a determination about what is right or wrong.

Hebrew 'mishpat' from the root shaphat means a 'decision in law' for either vindication or condemnation (punishment). To rule, govern, judge; execute judgment.  Vindication, for man, is through God's grace - making a 'judgment' for Christ;  or 'against Christ', resulting in condemnation (the rejection of salvation) for one's own life.   

Remember King Jehoshaphat?  His name means 'Jehovah has judged'.  His mother was Azubah [forsaken; DESOLATION], daughter of Shilhi [armed (as a weapon [sword] as used to 'drive / send away' an enemy; or as 'a shoot; to shoot forth a branch or branches].  Shilhi from a root 'shalach':   to shoot forth (of branches);  'to send off or away or out or forth'; dismiss, give over, cast out; to let go, set free;   to be sent off, be put away, be divorced, be impelled.

Just as the Hebrew alphabet has 'four beginnings:

 ALEF:     ordinal as 'first'; submission to the instruction of Jehovah;

HEI:        beginning of sound (breath);

YUD:      beginning of script (the authority of the written Word)
                  also known as the 'initial point and ending point'

REISH:   beginning, head, first (fruit), known for the
               'beginning of wisdom, the fear of the Lord'

These four letters combine to spell aryeh, "the lion," the first of the four animals of the
Divine chariot of Ezekiel. They also combine to spell yirah, "fear" or "awe."

The Biblical Calendar also has four beginnings:

NISAN:      'My flight' is the first - ALEF - month of Passover, Matzah, and Firstfruits 
                  and is also the NEW YEAR FOR KINGS (counting reigns).

ELUL:       The sixth - VAV - the month of 'repentance'  is used to determine the
                  start date for the ANIMAL [CATTLE] TITHE  to the priestly class in
                  ancient Israel.  ELUL is an acronym  for "Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li" 
                  (Song of Songs: 6,3).  'I am my beloved's and My Beloved is Mine.'

TISHREI:  The seventh -  ZAYIN  - month of Yom Teruah / Trumpets / Judgment
                  is the NEW YEAR for YEARS, the month of  RELEASE and JUBILEE.
                  It is the month of PLANTATION, and the TITHE of VEGETABLES. 
                   Talmud:  The rule [that New Year for kings is in Nisan] was only meant
                   to apply to the kings of Israel, but the years of non-Israelitish kings 
                  are reckoned from Tishri

 SHEVAT:  The 'rod' and  eleventh - KAF - month is the NEW YEAR for TREES.
 Wiki:  Tu B’shvat which translates ‘15th of Shevat’ marks the New Year of TREES.

Orlah refers to a biblical prohibition (Leviticus 19:23) on eating the fruit of trees produced during the first three years after they are planted.

 Neta Reva'i refers to the biblical commandment (Leviticus 19:24) to bring fourth-year fruit crops to Jerusalem as a tithe.

 Maaser Sheni was a tithe which was eaten in Jerusalem and Maaser Ani was a tithe given to the poor (Deuteronomy 14:22-29) that were also calculated by whether the fruit ripened before or after Tu B’shvat.

Of the talmudic requirements for fruit trees which used Tu B’shvat as the cut-off date in the Hebrew calendar for calculating the age of a fruit-bearing tree, Orlah remains to this day in essentially the same form it had in talmudic times. In the Orthodox Jewish world, these practices are still observed today as part of Halacha, Jewish law. Fruit that ripened on a three year old tree before Tu B’shvat is considered orlah and is forbidden to eat, while fruit ripening on or after Tu B’shvat of the tree's third year is permitted. In the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th years of the Shmita cycle Maaser Sheni is observed today by a ceremony redeeming tithing obligations with a coin; in the 3rd and 6th years, Maaser Ani is substituted, and no coin is needed for redeeming it. Tu B’shvat is the cut-off date for determining to which year the tithes belong.

ROSH HA SHANAH / YOM TERUAH / FEAST OF TRUMPETS, in the month and cycle of TISHREI is the next feast - heralding JESUS CHRIST'S RETURN, to be fulfilled.  

To understand the 'cycle of Tishrei' we are given the 'signs of the heavens, the feasts, and the biblical calendar.  Here it  would be well to consider the saros cycle related to the solar (sackcloth suns) and lunar (blood moons) eclipses.   The Saros cycle is an eclipse cycle with a period of 223 synodic months (approximately 6585.3213 days, or nearly 18 years 11 1/3 days).  Being precisely mathematical, the eclipses in relation to the biblical calendar 'keep a record':

Matthew 24:32-35 
Now learn this parable from the FIG TREE:
When its branch has already become tender and puts forth LEAVES,
you know that SUMMER IS NEAR.   So you also, when you see ALL these things,
know that it is near—at the doors!  Assuredly, I say to you,
this generation will by no means pass away till ALL these things take place.
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.

Hosea 9:10
I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness; 
but they went to Baalpeor, and separated themselves unto that shame; 
and their abominations were according as they loved.

         Summer                                                                                                        Fall/Winter

        4th month                          5th month                      6 month                            7 month
  Sin / Destruction                     Judgment                    Repentance                     Jesus to return
1853  13 Tammuz                   1907  14 Av                   1961  14 Elul                   2015  15 Tishrei
1871  13 Tammuz                   1925  14 Av                   1979  14 Elul                   2033  15 Tishrei
1889  13 Tammuz                   1943  14 Av                   1997  14 Elul                   2051  15 Tishrei  

Rashi explains that Tamuz is the name of the first of the SUMMER months because in Aramaic
it literally means “heat.”  The concordance translates Tamuz / Tammuz as 'a sprout of life':  the
Sumerian deity of food or vegetation.  The bible speaks about 'SUMMER', that when we see
'the FIG TREE' with 'LEAVES' we will know SUMMER IS NEAR.

Luke 21
21:29 Then He spoke to them a parable: “LOOK AT THE FIG TREE, and all the trees.
21:30 When they are already budding, you see and know for yourselves that
21:31 So you also, when you see these things happening,
           know that the kingdom of God is near.
21:32 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation 
         will by no means pass away till all things take place.
21:33 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.

          21  :9  wars and commotions,
          21:10  Nation will rise against nation,
                      and kingdom against kingdom.
          21:11   great earthquakes in various places,
                      and famines and pestilences;
                      GREAT SIGNS FROM HEAVEN.
          21:12   BEFORE all these things
                      they will lay their hands on you and persecute you

           21:20  But when you see JERUSALEM surrounded by armies,
                       then know that its DESOLATION is near
           21:22  For THESE ARE THE DAYS OF VENGEANCE,
                       that ALL things which are written may be fulfilled.
            21:24  And they will fall by the edge of the sword,
                       and be led away captive into all nations.
                       And Jerusalem will be TRAMPLED BY THE GENTILES
                       until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
            21:25  signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars;
            21:26  the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
            21:27  Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud
                        with power and great glory.
             21:28  Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads,
                        because your redemption draws near.”

Looking at recorded solar and lunar eclipses astronomically on the biblical calendar, the season of Tammuz was evident in 1853, 1871, 1889.  So was there any activity with 'the fig tree and with 'leaves'?

Let's go back to the late 1800's.  The land currently known as Israel was once an area called Palestine. For more than 1200 years…the dominant population there was Arabic.  Starting around the 1880's…a steady stream of Jews began to enter into the area and began buying land from the Arabs.  It turns out that many of the wealthy landowning Arabs were absentee landlords who made a quick buck by selling to the new Jewish settlers. These transactions OBVIOUSLY upset the peasant Arab farmers living on these lands who believed they had the RIGHT to live, cultivate and transfer these properties to their families.  Now…at around this time many of the Jews entering into Palestine were part of a group belonging to the ZIONIST movement. This group had one goal…."to redeem the land of Palestine as the inalienable possession of the Jewish people." One of the ways this was done was with the creation of the Jewish National Fund….an entity that organized the purchase of land from the Arab landowners.  This practice went on for decades.

The next month of 'summer' -  AV -  appeared in 1907, 1925, 1943.  These are the years of WWI and WWII and the Holocaust. 
So on November 2, 1917 [17th Cheshvan 5678 the day commemorated  as Noah’s flood]…a document called the "Balfour Declaration" was presented.  The paper stipulated that the British government was sympathetic to the Zionist cause and favorably agreed to the "establishment in Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish People" AND that they would help the Zionists achieve their goal.  But then there was the following proviso…. "…let it be CLEARLY understood that NOTHING shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing (stress this!!) NON-JEWISH communities in Palestine…"  The Zionists were overjoyed at the "Balfour Declaration". Now their organization had clout from a world superpower…their dream of a homeland was closer to reality.  Needless to say, the Palestinians weren't too happy about this. They saw that a foreign power was making decisions about THEIR lives …directly contradicting THEIR wishes in the process. The Arabs felt it went against the earlier negotiations between Sharif and McMahon in 1915 BUT more importantly….there was an inherent INCOMPATIBILITY within the document.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to balance the rights of the Arabs while establishing the country as a HOMELAND for the Jews. This is where the seed of discord between the Arabs and Jews was planted…and it has grown ever since.

Beginning on December 9, 1917 [24 Kislev / Chanuka]…British troops began to push out the Turks from Palestine and the surrounding areas. By October of the following year…Palestine was under British military rule ... ... ...   

Now…even though there was this animosity between Jews and Arabs….the sale of land between the two groups CONTINUED! Jews would still approach Arab landowners (many of whom lived outside of Palestine) and would purchase their properties. By the 1930's….the price of land spiraled out of control. Consequently…the Arab peasants who farmed the land for generations could not afford the rents to their landowners. The British saw what was going on but did nothing to stop this.

Why?  The costs of WWI depleted the British reserves so…they needed the money from the Jewish investments to help fund the "British Mandate" in Palestine.

So…while the Arabs were fighting amongst themselves and others…the Jews continued to stream into Palestine. They had organized themselves into a formidable group. This coordinated effort led to many advancements in Palestine. The Jews brought new farming technologies….developed welfare services…opened up schools, hospitals and synagogues. AND…they still continued to purchase land at a furious pace.

The man primarily responsible for organizing this effort was Ben-Gurion. Over time, he was able to develop an economic and military infrastructure that would enable the Jewish people to defend themselves. He intuitively understood that in the future…THERE WILL BE MILITARY CONFLICTS with the Arabs. The desire of the Jews AND the Arabs to establish their own homeland in Palestine was forever IRRECONCILABLE ... ... ... 

It is now 1929…. Germany is going thru a severe economic meltdown. One man rose to power by convincing the German people that one of the reasons for their problems was the Jewish people. Adolf Hitler's degree of anti-Semitism was delivered with such intensity…many of the Jews living in Germany fled the country and immigrated to Palestine. When Hitler became chancellor of the Reich in 1930…the immigration increased.  37,000 in 1933….45,000 in 1934….61,000 in 1935.  By 1936….the Jews made up 31% or the population of Palestine.

That same year…the Arab frustration had begun to boil over. In April 1936, a series of Arab attacks gave way to the Palestinian Revolt. A loosely assembled group of Arab parties formed together and made three demands:

----a halt to Jewish immigration,

---no more land sales to Jews

---AND the formation of an Arab government in Palestine.  ... ... ...

In July 1937…they got their answer.

A Royal Commission was dispatched to Palestine to assess the situation. The "Peel Commmission" reported the following: The existing "British Mandate" was a failure. The obligation Britain had to the Jews and the Arabs was impossible to continue.  So what do you think the commission recommended?

To separate Palestine into TWO states….one Arab…the other Jewish. AND to continue having Nazareth, Bethlehem and Jerusalem under British control.  The Jews didn't like the proposed boundaries…but they agreed to the principal of dividing up the land.  The Arabs, not surprisingly, completely rejected the idea.

It is now May 1939. The British declare an end of their responsibilities to the Jewish people in Palestine as set forth by the "Balfour Declaration". A new document called the "White Paper" was issued.

This resolution stipulated the following:
---establishing a Palestinian state in TEN years
---the establish of an Arab government to run that state
---future land sales by Arabs would be SEVERELY restricted
---the control of Jewish immigration would be under Arab control ... ... ...

 It is now 1943. The news is spreading around that Jews throughout Europe are being persecuted by the Nazis. The Jewish underground in Palestine are attacking British forces in the hopes of opening up Jewish immigration... ... ...

It is now 1944. The news that a genocidal Holocaust against the Jews in Europe is now worldwide. By this time…more than 6 MILLION have perished. As a consequence…the precepts of Zionism (which is the establishment of a Jewish homeland) began to take a deep, fervent root with Jews EVERYWHERE.  It was at this point in history that ZIONISM unified the global Jewish community.

The month of ELUL marks repentance / return - -and it was during this time that Israel was 'returning to the land'.

[Menachem] Begin’s most significant achievement as Prime Minister was the signing of a peace treaty with Egypt in 1979, for which he and Anwar Sadat shared the Nobel Prize for Peace. In the wake of the Camp David Accords, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) withdrew from the Sinai Peninsula, which was captured from Egypt in the Six-Day War. Later, Begin’s government promoted the construction of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Begin authorized the bombing of the Osirak nuclear plant in Iraq and the invasion of Lebanon in 1982 to fight PLO strongholds there, igniting the 1982 Lebanon War. As Israeli military involvement in Lebanon deepened, and the Sabra and Shatila massacre, carried out by Christian Phalangist militia allies of the Israelis, shocked world public opinion,[2] Begin grew increasingly isolated.[3] As IDF forces remained mired in Lebanon and the economy suffered from hyperinflation, the public pressure on Begin mounted. Depressed by the death of his wife Aliza in November 1982, he gradually withdrew from public life, until his resignation in October 1983.
On March 26, 1979 [27 Adar 1, 5739], sixteen months after Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's dramatic visit to Jerusalem, Israel and Egypt - long standing enemies - signed a peace treaty on the lawn of the White House in Washington, DC.


This peace drive, however, did not begin with Sadat's trip to Israel, but rather came only after more than a half-century of efforts by early Zionist and Israeli leaders to negotiate peace with the Arabs. Every government in Israel's history had declared its desire to live in peace with all Arab states, including those who had ruthlessly attacked the Jewish state in 1948 and again in 1967 and 1973.

Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, like Sadat, was willing to go the extra mile to achieve peace. Although he faced intense opposition from within his Likud Party, Begin froze Israeli settlements in the West Bank to facilitate the progress of negotiations. Despite the Carter Administration's tilt toward Egypt during the talks, Begin remained determined to continue the peace process. In the end, he agreed to return to Egypt the strategically critical Sinai — 91 percent of the territory won by Israel during the Six-Day War — in exchange for Sadat's promise to make peace.

In recognition of his willingness to join Sadat in making compromises for peace, Begin shared the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize with the Egyptian leader.  
The Middle East witnessed some of the world's most horrific acts of terrorism in 1997. A terrorist attack (bombing) was made on Jerusalem September 4, 1997 / 2 Elul 5757.  Israel and the Holy See sign a Legal Personality Agreement. In 1997 [10 Cheshvan].   The Middle East peace process was actively pursued brokered by the US / President Clinton.  All of this leading up to the time of 'Tishrei', tetrad eclipses on the feast days of 2014 / 15 and other eclipses spanning the next 70 year period. 

 Tishrei marks the end of the dry season, being the plowing and  harvest season and then the beginning of the rain season.   All inhabitants of the world are judged on Rosh Hashanah. On Rosh Hashanah, the shofar is sounded 100 times each day (unless it is Shabbat).  The days from Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur are known as the Ten Days of Repentance.

Psalm 90:7-14

For we have been consumed by Your anger,

And by Your wrath we are terrified.

You have set our iniquities before You,

Our secret sins in the light of Your countenance.

For all our days have passed away in Your wrath;

We finish our years like a sigh.

The days of our lives are seventy years;

And if by reason of strength they are eighty years,

Yet their boast is only labor and sorrow;

For it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

Who knows the power of Your anger?

For as the fear of You, so is Your wrath.

So teach us to number our days,

That we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Return, O Lord!

How long?

And have compassion on Your servants.

Oh, satisfy us early with Your mercy,

That we may rejoice and be glad all our days!




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