Wednesday, September 19, 2012

MADE in God's IMAGE - 2 -------- Under the SHADOW of His Wings

[GREEN: God      YELLOW     ManORANGE: sin / death / evil    BLUE:    Hebrew/Greek]
PINK: physical death vs eternal death

As I posted the word IMAGE and have gone on to look at ADAM & EVE (next post), I had cause to come back again to image because of something 'I saw'. I've read this again and again, but now I saw it with 'clearer vision. Note the word 'darkness חשך kho-shek'' because this element is revealed as 'God's Spirit'' is revealed.  Note it was the 'Spirit of God 'hovering':

Genesis 1-2
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
The earth was without form, and void;
'darkness חשך kho-shek'' was on the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

Again, we have been taught to look at things as 'this is good and this is bad', such as 'white is good, light is good' and 'black is bad /evil, dark is evil'. But the Word confirms that this is not true nor a 'standard'. White can be 'pure' [Revelation 15:6] or it can be 'leprous' [Leviticus 13:3-4]. Jesus Christ is the 'light of the world' [John 8:12]; good, but Satan also transforms himself into an 'angel of light' [2Corinthians 11:14]; evil. Black is 'beautiful' [Song of Solomon 1:5], black is healthy [Leviticus 13:31-37]. Black also indicates hardship [Jeremiah 14:2] or mourning / penitence: 'black as sackcloth' [Revelation 6:12]. If you look carefully at 'black' its 'presence' is made known in times of evil / death, but no Scripture I find supports black as 'evil'. Dark, darkness can be viewed as both good or evil, a man using darkness for the purpose of doing evil or darkness equated with evil [Proverbs 2:13; 4:19; Isaiah 5:20; Jeremiah 23:12; Zephaniah 1:15; Matthew 6:23; Luke 1:79] or darkness as 'good', when it precedes the Lord, signaling 'his Shadow', coming to give protection from one's enemies [2 Samuel 22:10-12; 2 Chronicles 6:1; Psalm 18:11; Amos 5:20].

.......................................SUPPRESS.........CONSUME ...... RESURRECTION
.............................................EVIL........................................ LIFE FROM DEAD

Immediately following the 'creating of the heavens and the earth', the earth is yet without form and VOID - EMPTY. Genesis 1:2 DARKNESS is seen on the 'depths of the sea', the Spirit of God 'hovering' over the face of the waters'. Because something is 'empty or void' does not necessarily mean it is dark?  And if the earth is 'void', yet without inhabitant (or  fallen evil angels), where is the 'darkness' (if one is thinking in the terms of evil) coming from?  If the darkness is not 'evil', then what is causing the 'darkness'?  Can this 'darkness' be the 'shadow' of the Spirit of God as HE is the one 'hovering', casting His 'shadow' [darkness] as He contemplates the next move?  In Genesis 1:5 God calls the 'darkness' NIGHT' ליל layil lah'-yil, night, midnight,  also defined in part as 'protective covering', the time when God's 'shadow' would be needed most, at 'midnight' when the 'blood of the lamb' preserves the firstborn from the angel of death [Exodus 12:29], the time when a woman's child was stolen and replaced with a 'dead one' and the 'real mother' would not allow her child to be 'cut in half  [1Kings 3:20] (peace process),   and the bridegroom is said to return [Matthew 25:6].   The call for 'light' [day] is then given, LIGHT that will reveal 'who' is 'casting the shadow' / creating the darkness:

Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness:
 I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

The word IMAGE begins with TZADI LAMED - a word meaning SHADOW, as an 'image that is cast' in relation to 'light', for marking time, even the transitoriness of life, but also the meaning of 'protection'.

צל tsel tsale from 06751; TWOT - 1921a; n m AV -
shadow 45, defence 3, shade 1; 49
1) shadow, shade
... 1a) shadow (on dial)
... 1b) shadow, shade (as protection)
... 1c) shadow (symbolic of transitoriness of life)

How can a 'shadow' provide protection. Possibly the 'seeing of the one who is casting the shadow', may cause fear to the one who sees.  Or, the 'shadow' itself provides 'darkness' - able to conceal the one standing in the shadow, the dark - that then is able to render one invisible to an enemy. Again looking at a root of   צל  tsel which is  צלל   tsalal tsaw-lal'

צלל tsalal tsaw-lal' a primitive root [identical with 06749
through the idea of hovering over  - compare 06754)]; TWOT - 1921; v AV -
began to be dark 1, shadowing 1; 2
1) to be or become or grow dark

... 1a) (Qal) to become or grow dark
... 1b) (Hiphil) to shadow

צלל tsalal tsaw-lal' a primitive root; TWOT - 1920; v AV - 
sink 1; 1 1) (Qal) to sink, be submerged 

Genesis makes known God's intent to 'make and create' man in His image.  He begins with creating the heavens and the earth which are yet empty and void  [Genesis 1:2] the Spirit of God is seen 'hovering'.  This brings an interesting thought. God above, earth below   Since the Spirit of God is hovering, that this is His shadow - He then, by 'casting His shadow' is creating the DARKNESS [Isaiah 45:7] - upon the 'face [surface]  of the deep [bottomless water(s)]'.  To make 'man in His image', He will 'submerge':  descend below the surface of an area of water :  

Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness:
 I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

By making peace through the cross, evil is 'created', being 'exposed' / made visible,   as men nail Christ to the cross

The two thoughts on 'submerging':  Hebrew thought equates God's wisdom as 'flowing water' [the river of God].  We know the  world's wisdom to be  'stagnant' or 'polluted' water if it is not in agreement with God's wisdom - His river of life.  I see God 'submerging Himself' into the earth, the waters,  as a purifying process of the water / wisdom.    But more so I see the Scripture:

And he said to me, The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, 
are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

Note MAKING / CREATING - MAKING/FORMING - then - CREATING.  He 'makes/forms' - THEN  'creates', as in Genesis 1:26 & 27.   The making and forming of something then brings a 'creation'.   Just as the law had to be brought forth in order for the knowledge of sin. Without 'making' the law, sin would not have been known (created).   [ Romans 3:20; 7:7].  His plan to 'make and create' man in HIS image requires 'submersion' into these 'waters / peoples' and again 'rising' from these 'waters / peoples', even from the 'depths of the abyss'  to bring them into 'His image' of resurrected LIFE.  It takes 'light' to 'cast a shadow'.  That shadow can offer protection for those 'standing in it', being concealed from an enemy [death] or for those standing in 'that shadow' that do not acknowledge the one 'casting it', they will be obliterated [utterly destroyed] by the light.

obliterate- ‘struck out, erased,’ from the verb obliterare, based on littera ‘letter, something written.’


If DARKNESS is  of  EVIL it will be utterly destroyed by the light.   If DARKNESS is cast by God's SHADOW, you will see the LIGHT - - who is JESUS CHRIST  [John 8:12] and choose to stand in HIS protective DARKNESS that conceals 'sin'.  If DARKNESS is EVIL, the thief comes to 'steal, kill, and destroy.  

TZADI as SHADOW comes from a root 'to grow dark' which also comes from a root meaning to 'submerge' which means to 'cause to be under water'; descend below the surface of an area of water to completely cover or obscure.

John 3:5
Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto you,
Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit,
he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

MEM, the final letter of image is the 'arrival of Messiah' who is WISDOM, that FLOWS as WATER. He is the [Ephesians 5:26] 'water of the Word' that man is to be submerged / shadowed / imaged in. Mankind is to be SUBMERGED completely in the 'Water of the Word, that nothing is seen or heard but its FLOWING.

Colossians 1:12-15
giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be
partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.
He has delivered us from the power of darkness
and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,
in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

Hebrews 1:1-3
God, who at various times and in various ways
spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets,
,Has in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he has
appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person,
and upholding all things by the word of His power,
when He had by Himself purged our sins,
sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high

2 Corinthians 4:4
... the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ,
who is the image of God ..


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